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In copertina: Big|Brave (Photo:by the band)

SOUNDS & GROOVES - SEASON 17 EPISODE 13: "Radar" Tra le altre meraviglie troverete anche un breve excursus sul folk britannico. Buon Ascolto

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venerdì   07/04/2023





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  • Hitch - Mysore Pak
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  • You Set The Scene - Forever Changes
  • 1967
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  • Arab Strap
  • Fable Of The Urban Fox - As Days Get Dark
  • 2021
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  • About Group
  • Rough And Smooth - Start & Complete
  • 2011
  • 7.
  • The Besnard Lakes
  • And This Is What We Call Progress - The Besnard Lakes Are The Roaring Night
  • 2010
  • 8.
  • Big|Brave
  • Carvers, Farriers And Knaves - Nature Morte
  • 2023
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  • Lankum
  • The New York Trader - False Lankum
  • 2023
  • 11.
  • Planxty
  • Raggle Taggle Gypsy / Tabhair Dom Do Lámh - Planxty
  • 1973
  • 13.
  • Howe Gelb
  • Flyin’ Off The Rails - Gathered
  • 2019
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  • Nick Drake
  • Things Behind The Sun - Pink Moon
  • 1972