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REPLICA In copertina: Daughter (Photo: Marika Kochiashvili)

#everydaypodcast di Stefano Santoni

SOUNDS & GROOVES - SEASON 17 EPISODE [... Pagina del podcast]

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Full Album di Radiorock.to

MJ Lenderman - Manning Fireworks (Full Album) 2024. MJ Lenderman, singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from Asheville, North Carolina, has released his third and new album for the prestigious ANTI- Records. The passion for music is born in the family: his father plays the guitar, his mother the clarinet, his three sisters sing and his paternal great-grandfather was the saxophonist Charlie Ventura, already with Gene Krupa and a young Charlie Parker. Lenderman also plays with Wednesday, the band led by his girlfriend Karly Hartzman, among the best in the indie rock scene. Manning Fireworks was recorded in just four days in Asheville and is destined to make more known the music of the talented singer-songwriter of North Carolina, able to arouse intense emotions and at the same time give moments of refined and intelligent humor. Support the artist by buying the record: https://mjlenderman.bandcamp.com/albu...

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Chi siamo

Radiorock.to - The Original, attiva dal 19 giugno 2006, affonda le sue radici nel progetto FM Radiorock in Roma, nato il 3 giugno 1985.

  • - una #rockradio sul web, pubblichiamo quotidianamente un podcast libero o a tema, ed una playlist settimanale;
  • - un canale #youtube con dirette streaming, compilation e full albums;
  • - un #Blog, una comunità appassionata di musica senza confini e barriere



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