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In copertina: Protomartyr

Processed by the Boys...


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martedì   06/10/2020





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  • #
  • Autore
  • Brano e Album
  • 2.
  • The Sundays
  • Heres Where The Story Ends - Reading, Writing And Arithmetic
  • 3.
  • Slowdive
  • No Longer Making Time - Slowdive
  • 4.
  • Sophia
  • Undone.again - Holding On/Lettin Go
  • 7.
  • Anxiety - Ultra Mono
  • 8.
  • Protomartyr
  • Processed By The Boys - Ultimate Success Today
  • 10.
  • Lali Puna
  • Scary World Theory - Scary World Theory
  • 12.
  • HTRK
  • Real Headfuck -
  • 13.
  • Jesu
  • When I Was Small -
  • 14.
  • Low
  • Lullaby - I Could Live In Hope