Cerca tra i 5450 podcast,
l'archivio delle nostre trasmisioni dal 2006

In copertina: Girls in Hawaii

the romance was hard to ignore
You were beautiful
I was happy to fall
So happy to fall


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sabato   05/05/2018





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  • #
  • Autore
  • Brano e Album
  • 1.
  • Deus
  • Little Arithmetics - In A Bar, Under The Sea
  • 4.
  • Soft Cell
  • Soul Inside - This Last Night... In Sodom
  • 5.
  • Erasure
  • Always - I Say I Say I Say
  • 10.
  • The Sound
  • Heartland - Bbc Session October 1980
  • 14.
  • Mojave 3
  • In Love With A View - Excuses For Travellers