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In copertina: PJ Harvey

This mess we're in


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lunedì   14/06/2021





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  • #
  • Autore
  • Brano e Album
  • 1.
  • PJ Harvey
  • This Mess We're In - Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea
  • 2000
  • 5.
  • Perturbator
  • Secret Devotion - Lustful Sacraments
  • 2021
  • 7.
  • Jehnny Beth
  • We Will Sin Togheter - To Love Is To Live
  • 2020
  • 10.
  • James
  • All The Colors Of You - All The Colors Of You
  • 2021
  • 11.
  • Rover
  • Venise Hat - Eiskeller
  • 2021
  • 13.
  • Not Waving
  • My Sway - How To Leave Your Body
  • 2021