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In copertina: Delgres

Radiorock.to The Original presents a new #everydaypodcast with:

Johnny Marr, Iggy Pop, Mikal Cronin, Coldplay, The Cure, Black Seeds, Delgres, Fujiya And Miyagi, Guerilla Toss, The Rapture, The Vegan Leather, Moby, Tears For Fears, Tom Robinson & Crew, Scott McKenzie, Garland Jeffreys, LCD Soundsystem, Moon Duo, The Doors, Counting Crows, Skiantos, John Hiatt, Chuck Prophet, Long Beach Dub Allstars, Willy Deville.
You can find it in our Youtube Channel "Radiorock TheOriginal" with a lot of Livestreams and Playlists. Thanks for watching! Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE


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mercoledì   15/04/2020


