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The PsychJazzBlues Pod: il nome la dice tutta, vala'... E nella foto ci sono i Crocodiles: attenti perché mozzicano, come Flavia sa bene.


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giovedì   21/05/2015





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  • Brano e Album
  • 1.
  • B.B. King
  • I Can't Explain - Blues In My Heart
  • 1962
  • 1.
  • Wire
  • In Manchester - Wire
  • 2015
  • 1.
  • Wand
  • Flying Golem - Golem
  • 2015
  • 1.
  • The Decemberists
  • Carolina Low - What a Terrible World, What a Beautiful World
  • 2015
  • 1.
  • Lucinda Williams
  • Something Wicked This Way Comes - Down Where The Spirit Meets The Bone
  • 2014
  • 1.
  • Sinkane
  • Hold Tight - Mean Love
  • 2014
  • 1.
  • Rapoon
  • Je veux de l'amour - Cultural Forgeries
  • 2014