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Un podcast che inizia in maniera tranquilla, il ritmo cresce pian pianino...Poche novità, molti pezzi dal vivo e per il finale tutti a Seattle!!! :-P


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martedì   27/04/2010





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  • #
  • Autore
  • Brano e Album
  • 1.
  • Fanfarlo
  • The Wall Are Coming Down - Live At KEXP
  • 1.
  • Robyn Hitchcock
  • I Used To Say I Love You - I Often Dream Of Trains In New York
  • 1.
  • Firewater
  • I Often Dream Of Trains - Songs We Should Have Written
  • 1.
  • Marc Ribot
  • Todo El Mundo Es Kitsch - Party Intellectuals
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  • Panther
  • Beautiful Condo - 14 Kt. Gold
  • 1.
  • Gossip
  • Vertical Rhythm - Music For Men
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  • Melvins
  • Set Me Straight - Houdini
  • 1.
  • Skin Yard
  • Material Freak - 1000 Smiling Knuckles